Would you like more information about the benefits of having a doula for your pregnancy and birth?
Contact crysta@cyberdoulas.com or karli@cyberdoulas.com or kimberly@cyberdoulas.com!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Childbirth Class Schedule

The Cyber Doulas (Crysta, Karli, and Kim) are very excited to announce a full weekend of childbirth education and parenting classes in Williston this March. We hope you will join us!

Friday, March 23
Meet the Doulas Open House 6-9 pm
Find out what doulas are, how they can help you in pregnancy and childbirth, and ask all your questions about support, etc.

Saturday, March 24
Baby Signs, 10 am-12 pm
Join us to learn basic skills for teaching your little one sign language. Babies and toddlers are welcome, feel free to come no matter what stage you are at! 

Saturday, March 24 and Sunday March 25
Childbirth Education "Express Class", 1-5 pm both days
This is a full childbirth education class similar to a Lamaze class (the program we teach is called ICEA -- International Childbirth Education Association). It is a more naturally-focused version of the classes you find at the hospital, but we do touch on hospital procedures, drug options, etc.

Saturday, March 24
First Trimester Class, 6-9 pm
Pregnancy Nutrition, Exercise, Options, Etc. will be covered -- you don't have to be in the first trimester, but it is a great class to take when you are just figuring out this whole pregnancy thing and full of questions!

Sunday, March 25
Comfort Measures Class, 6-9 pm
This is a very abbreviated childbirth education class meant to help couples familiar with all the ways to make mom comfortable in labor. It can be taken over and over throughout your pregnancy, or just once later in pregnancy as a little "refresher" or "crash course"! 

All classes will be held at Williston State College. Contact info@cyberdoulas.com for more information, or call Karli at 770-8492.

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