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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding

Here are a few evidence based articles from KellyMom.com talking about the normalcy of extended breastfeeding, as well as the benefits.

Busting the Myths of Extended Breastfeeding
includes information on the nutrition and immunities of breastmilk after baby is older than one year, whether mothers who still breastfeed are able to comfort their child in other ways, whether extended breastfeeding can cause overly dependent children, and information about whether nursing longer makes weaning harder or not.

Toddler Nursing 
including what to expect when nursing a toddler and some options when it comes time to wean.

Handling Critism
about breastfeeding in general!

Overview of Extended Nursing articles at Kellymom.com
In case you have more topics you'd like to look up at Kellymom! and don't forget their forums, as well.

The thing I appreciate about www.kellymom.com is that her articles are evidence based, they aren't funded by any certain company with an overarching agenda, etc. She is well researched and states her resources, and they are the results based on real life evidence! ;-)

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