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Monday, September 19, 2011

Ten reasons to wear that baby

Ten reasons to wear that baby

·        It’s easier than lugging a bulky stroller around.

·        Worn babies cry less. (43% less)

·        Totally fashionable – that sling or carrier is all the rage. Pick one made from a chic fabric and it’s a ready-made accessory.

·        Studies show babies who are worn learn faster.

·        Your hands are free for the other children. Or vacuum, if you insist.

·        It helps you and baby communicate more effectively (reading cues).

·        The physical closeness of babywearing is a great way to promote bonding.

·        Babywearing facilitates good sleep – and more of it!

·        Because carrying that car seat feels like you’re lugging a bucket of water from the well.

·        It helps keep you fit – with all that weight lifting, you can have another chocolate. Or two.

·        Wearing makes caring for high-needs babies easier.

·        Babies smell good, and they are cute and cuddly.

·        On-the-go breastfeeding is easy peasy!

·        It helps prevent over-stimulation of baby.

·        It’ll make the neighbors jealous! What could be better than having your favorite person snuggled against your chest?

Don’t forget dad, gramma, or the babysitter – they can benefit from baby wearing, too!
(From the inaugaral issue of our new project - Nurture the Magazine - watch for it soon.)

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