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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Milksharing story contest

Human Milk 4 Human Babies California is celebrating World Milksharing Week September 24-30 with stories of milksharing. They are looking for moms who have milkshared in some way to share stories, and they've turned it into a fun little contest!

How did milksharing make a difference in your life or that of your baby? How did it feel to give the gift of liquid gold to another mother? Have you wet-nursed someone else's child?

If you are a breast milk donor or recipient, you can submit your story to hm4hbcalifornia@gmail.com from now until September 22, 2011. They will publish all submitted stories as a blog post and then post the link to each story on the HM4HB - California page during World Milksharing Week to help spread the word about modern day milk sharing.

There are prizes, too. Check out their Facebook note for details.

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