Would you like more information about the benefits of having a doula for your pregnancy and birth?
Contact crysta@cyberdoulas.com or karli@cyberdoulas.com or kimberly@cyberdoulas.com!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What They Didn't Tell Me in Lamaze Class

This piece from new mom Lindsay Pyfer at Huffington Post made me cry (warning!), but it is an important piece about a journey and a difference. Birth doesn't have to be the way her first was. The final sentence was revolutionary - I hope you will read to the end!

While we don't have the option of a birth center here in the MonDak, a doula can help you to make your hospital or home birth more like the experience you hope for. (Oh, and I'm going to have to buy a piano CD - that part made me feel peaceful.)

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