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Sunday, August 21, 2011

ACOG says post dates are after 42 weeks

You've heard it a thousand times. The standard pregnancy is 40 weeks, so if that baby isn't popping out exactly on its due date (or well before, thank you very much), then something must be wrong.

But years (decades, millenia...) of experience tells us that babies are really "due" somewhere around that 40 week mark, usually between 38 and 42 weeks. But every mama is different, and every baby is different, so we like to see mamas wait for their bodies and their little buns in the oven to be ready.

Guess what? The American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) has put out information saying they agree. You know, the medical community? So next time you hear about an OB wanting to induce because it is "time," you can reference this one!

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