Would you like more information about the benefits of having a doula for your pregnancy and birth?
Contact crysta@cyberdoulas.com or karli@cyberdoulas.com or kimberly@cyberdoulas.com!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Water Birth Story

Here is a beautiful water birth story from the Mama Birth blog.

Optimal Fetal Positioning

Optimal Fetal Positioning‘ (OFP) is a theory developed by a midwife, Jean Sutton, and Pauline Scott, an antenatal teacher, who found that the mother’s position and movement could influence the way her baby lay in the womb in the final weeks of pregnancy. Many difficult labors result from ‘malpresentation’, where the baby’s position makes it hard for the head to move through the pelvis, so changing the way the baby lies could make birth easier for mother and child.

Voting is Open! 2011 birthphotographers.com Photo of the Year Entries!

Voting is Open! 2011 birthphotographers.com Photo of the Year Entries!

Check them out here.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Placenta Infused Chocolates

With all the talk about consuming the placenta, here is an idea. What do you think?

Placenta Infused Chocolates

Sunday, February 12, 2012