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Friday, November 18, 2011

Breast Cancer Risk Reduced by 50 Percent By Breastfeeding for Two or More Years

Breast Cancer Risk Reduced by 50 Percent By Breastfeeding for Two or More Years

 "What he found was a 50 percent reduction in breast cancer risk among those women who breastfed for more than 24 months per child, compared to women who breastfed their children for less than 12 months.

"Zheng said the breastfeeding for more than 24 months also has a long term effect. It was found not only to reduce the risk of breast cancer diagnosed among pre-menopausal women, it was also found to reduce the risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women as well."

Trust Birth

Trust Birth -- I love the concept behind this site!

Induction and the Holidays

Induction and the Holidays: A great read for those mamas due close to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

Formula vs. Human Milk - Ingredients

It's not new, but it doesn't make it any less interesting! Take a peek at the human milk vs. formula ingredient lists.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pre-eclampsia reduced with L-arginine plus vitamins

Pre-eclampsia reduced with L-arginine plus vitamins

Women Speak Out About What's Gone Wrong with the United States Birthing System

It's all about instituting change!

Pre-Eclampsia Linked With Low Vitamin D During Pregnancy

Pre-Eclampsia Linked With Low Vitamin D During Pregnancy

Dr. Sears Addresses Recent Co-Sleeping Concerns

Dr. Sears Addresses Recent Co-Sleeping Concerns

Thoughts on Vitamin D

Thoughts on Vitamin D from a great breastfeeding blog, "Normal, Like Breathing."

You can!

A quote I came across today that I totally love...

‎"Never underestimate the power and determination of a pregnant woman who is told she cannot." ~Desiree Andrews

Co-sleeping: Fear Mongering, Flawed Research and How to Cosleep Safely

Co-sleeping: Fear Mongering, Flawed Research and How to Cosleep Safely (from Birth Without Fear - and it includes some really great submitted co-sleeping photos, too!)

Mothering the Mother: The Importance of Postpartum Care

Mothering the Mother: The Importance of Postpartum Care

Dads on Understanding Breastfeeding

Here is a great video...Dads on Understanding Breastfeeding

With Bella having a baby in the latest 'Twilight' installment, 5 great movies about pregnancy

What are your favorite pregnancy movies?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Labor: Let's Get it Started in Here

Coping with Pregnancy Loss

Here is some information on processing your thoughts following a miscarriage. If you have a story to share, I especially encourage you to check out the links at the bottom to the forums and discussion boards where you can find women who have been there to talk to.

March of Dimes on Miscarriage

Some technical information from the March of Dimes on miscarriage -- possible causes, physical symptoms, etc.

Green and Bitchy: Lactation Counselor and Mom of Five

Green and Bitchy: Lactation Counselor and Mom of Five...An interesting blog to check out, especially if you deal with food allergies.

WIC and Formula Companies

I had no idea WIC distributed more than half the infant formula sold in the US. What are your thoughts on this? Can more be done to support breastfeeding, rather than subsidizing formula usage?

Fluid Causing Breastfeeding Failure?

Check out this piece on IV fluid and breastfeeding

"During an epidural continuous IV fluid will be given throughout the course of labour and if over several hours this could be several litres. A pregnant women already carries an increased fluid volume and add to that the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, which exacerbates the fluid retention further and we can see how this is often responsible for breast and areola oedema we see at 2-4 days postpartum. This oedema and engorgement can last for up to 14 days."

Reverse Pressure Softening

Interesting article! And apparently this can help moms who have edema (swelling) from lots of IV fluids, which may interfere with baby's ability to latch in the early days of breastfeeding.